Our art is making you look charming

Splash the fashion all over with WowFashionzs

How can I make a purchase from WowFashionzs?

Peruse our offerings and add desired goods to your basket. You can then proceed to the checkout page, where you have the option of checking out as a guest or creating an account for future orders.

What happens once I submit my order?

Once your payment has been received, and your order is complete, we will send you an email confirming that your transaction is being processed. Generally, goods will be sent within two business days following order confirmation.

Can my order be tracked online?

You will receive an email with your tracking reference number and a link to the delivery company's parcel tracking website once your order has been shipped.

What if the product I ordered arrives damaged?

Please notify skillrexshinetechnologies@gmail.com promptly if your item was damaged in transit. We make every effort to ensure that all items leave our facility in perfect condition.

Do I need an account to shop online?

No, you do not need to establish an account in order to shop at the online store. Nevertheless, if you create an account, you'll be able to track your package, check past orders, and save your information so that future orders may be completed automatically.

Why was I only sent a portion of my order?

Not to worry, it is on the way! While we make every effort to fulfill all purchases in a single box, there are occasions when items are shipped from several warehouses. Please contact our customer support team for assistance if you did not receive multiple tracking numbers.

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